Your customs representative (broker) in Moscow «Russian Brokerage Company»
Customs broker Russian Brokerage Company is a prompt and high-quality solution to complex problems.
Today, customs operations are very closely integrated into all areas of business. At the same time, not everyone can handle customs declarations since this business requires many qualities that only professionals can have. Among these abilities, there must be diligence, attentiveness, prosperity for new knowledge, and, most importantly, the ability to always find time for work.
The employees of Russian Brokerage Company, a qualified customs broker providing services for customs declaration of goods, have all those traits. Our specialists will always be happy to help you with any issue related to the customs sphere. Russian Brokerage Company not only provides professional consulting services, but also, as a customs broker, takes full responsibility for the legal support of your goods and their customs declaration. Acting on behalf of the Customer, we declare goods via the Internet using ED-2 technology.
Let’s take a closer look at what exactly we do for you as your customs broker:
- ensure the safe transportation of your cargo and insure it;
- pass proper control with it, if necessary;
- certify and declare your goods;
- develop an optimal scheme for transporting and processing your cargo.
With Russian Brokerage Company you will get rid of all the problems associated with transportation and customs declaration of cargo. We provide customs declarations in various cities of Russia: Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Bryansk, Smolensk, Nizhnevartovsk, etc. Relay on real professionals and save your time, money, and nerves!
A customs representative: objectives, rights, and responsibilities
Customs clearance is a complex procedure and represents a whole chain of interconnected operations. Its implementation requires knowledge of customs legislation and a number of specific procedures including the intricacies of documents completion. That is why the assistance of customs representatives is demanded, much-wanted, and often have no alternative.
A customs representative (previously in legislation called a customs broker) is an intermediary who carries out customs operations on behalf of the declarant or other related party.
Only a Russian legal entity included in the Register of Customs Representatives of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation can act as a customs representative. A state (state-owned) enterprise cannot have the status of a customs broker representative.
A customs representative (broker) is a full-fledged actor in customs clearance and declaration of goods, has all the rights and obligations provided for persons performing customs clearance. The relationships between the customs representative and the declarant or other involved party are based on an agreement for the provision of customs brokerage services.
Mandatory requirements to comply with upon acting as a customs representative are as follows:
- a customs representative shall be a resident of the Russian Federation
- the legal entity must have at least two in-house customs clearance specialists
- specialists shall have a qualification certificate and take a refresher course every 2 years
- the legal entity shall have a liability insurance contract
- provision by a legal entity of security for the payment of customs duties and taxes in the amount of at least 1 million rubles
A customs representative (broker) has the right to:
- carry out all customs operations on behalf of the authorizing person
- be personally present at the customs registration of goods
- before submitting the customs declaration, inspect, load, unload, transport, weigh the goods
- limit its activities to certain customs operations, the region of activity, the performance of customs operations in relation to certain types of goods or in relation to goods moved across the customs border by a certain type of transport
- stand surety to the customs authorities
- demand from the declarant information and documents for customs clearance including those containing banking or commercial secrets
- apply for the application of a simplified customs clearance procedure
- demand a refund of overpaid customs duties
Responsibilities of a customs representative (broker):
- declaration of goods (services, vehicles, etc.)
- placement of goods under the customs procedure
- customs clearance of goods, vehicles
- provision of necessary information and documents
- payment of customs charges, duties, taxes
- reporting to customs authorities
- performing other actions necessary for the customs clearance process
A customs representative (broker) shall store the received confidential information and shall not use it for own purposes, or freely distribute.
The activities of a customs representative can significantly reduce time for all customs procedures and paperwork.
A customs representative: objectives, rights, and responsibilities
Professional customs broker services are the key to the success of any business. To conclude transactions, market participants require deep professional knowledge and skills. Therefore, the most acceptable option would be to use the services of a customs representative whose main task is to serve the interests of enterprises participating in foreign economic activity.

A customs representative (broker) has the right to:
1) demand from the represented person documents and information necessary for customs purposes, and receive such documents and information within a time frame that ensures compliance with the requirements established by this Code;
2) have access to the information systems of customs authorities used by them for automated processing of information, electronic transmission of data necessary for customs purposes.
The responsibilities of a customs representative (broker) include:
- Non-disclosure of commercial, banking, or other legally protected secrets (confidentiality), or other confidential information
- Correct computation of customs charges;
- Submitting reports to customs authorities including using information technology, in accordance with the legislation of the member states of Customs Union
- Payment of customs duties for goods and vehicles declared by the customs broker if this is provided for in the agreement between the customs broker and the represented person/entity and so forth.

With our assistance in customs clearance of goods, you can be sure that we will offer optimal and convenient solutions minimizing the cost of customs duties, reducing associated costs, and ensuring efficient business operation.